Sunday, April 20, 2014

A new Life..makes life more beautiful..

 Life has gifted me the most treasurable gift ever :: My Daughter..
Friends no other feeling or emotion in the world can overtake the feeling of joy you experience seeing a new born baby.
    Seeing the journey of my wife for those Nine months made me realise the pain and hardships my mother would have undergone to bring me to life. And that is the only reason why a Mother is the real form of God for us. It is my request to everyone that please your parents, make them smile and you don't need to go to the temples for a ticket to the heavens. I do not at all mean that we must not visit temples but I just want to say that God is residing in ur parents asking us to serve him in the easiest way.
   We named my daughter Srushti. Which means the creation. The name was chosen by my Sister and approved by my Father. And every moment with her is just beautiful. She turned six months on 16th. I just love her lovely dimples. Everyone says she looks like me. I wonder one day she'll be reading this blog with those cute little dimples sitting on her cheeks. Love you. Love your smile Srushti.


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