Saturday, June 4, 2016

The legend of Murphy's Law..

So many times I have heard and quoted Murphy's  law. Today my head asked the question Who is this Murphy? What actually is the Murphy's law? And the answer was interesting .

Murphy's Law is named after an American Development Engineer from the Wright Field Aircraft Lab, Capt Edward Aloysius Murphy.

The Murphy's Law was coined in 1948 when Capt Edward Murphy was using Strain gauges to measure the effects of Rapid deceleration on human body. In these tests they used Rockets to propel human being to high speeds and then hydraulic brakes to cause the rapid deceleration.

But during the course of the experiments the sensors were reading zero. It thus became apparent that the instrument was wired incorrectly by Murphy's technicians.
An annoyed Murphy then said something which turned into today's Murphy's Law.
'If that guy has any way of making a mistake, he will'.

Finally after brewing the above statement by Murphy and his crew, came to life the Murphy's Law:
If there are more than one ways of doing the job and one of them will result into disaster, then he will do it that way.

Though it wasn't officially quoted anywhere by Murphy. It was actually brought out by Capt Stapp the team leader of the experiments.

Though Murphy's Law was initially quoted many times in the aviation related publications in the US it slowly spread into various areas of human activities.

Corollaries of Murphy's Law:
Yhprum's Law: Is the reverse of Murphy's Law, hence written in the same way (read the name backwards). This corollary is the extra optimistic version of Murphy's Law: If anything  can go right it will go right.

Drucker's Law: The management version of Murphy's Law.
If anything can go wrong, everything else will and at the same time.

Many professors have said that Murphy's Law is a confirmation bias in which the investigator seeks out evidence to confirm his already formed ideas but does not look for evidence that contradicts them. It is a very valid point though.

But I think that shows the difference between engineers and Scientists & Professors.
Capt Murphy himself was sad that his statement was taken in the wrong sense; his intention was to teach us Defensive Design and not blame. But after all we are human beings we have the brain to misuse anything anytime and many times..

Finally the head got to know something interesting.

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