Monday, May 16, 2011

Schumann vibrations :: The vibrations of our planet..

       Jus imagine our planet such a huge mass is rotating and revolving every moment then why doesn't it vibrate like every other moving thing?? Actually it does..
       A German named Schumann in the 1950’s discovered it. The resonance frequency of 7.83Hz lies on the border line between the alpha waves and the theta waves of the human mind. It is the same as light, which travels 7.8 cycles per second around the earth. It is said that all living things on the earth including humans are under the influence of the Schumann Resonance to maintain the basic rhythm of life.  
      Between the earth's surface and ionosphere, a resonating cavity is formed.Cosmic energy and Broadband electromagnetic impulses, like those from lightning flashes, fill this cavity, and create globally the so-called Schumann resonances at frequencies 5 - 50 Hz. The base Schumann Resonance is 7.8Hz quasi standing electromagnetic waves mainly traveling from West to East. There is a +/- 0.5 Hertz daily variation which is a function of the height of the ionosphere, which changes with solar activity. Obviously huge high or low pressure systems would also alter the height of the ionosphere, pushing or pulling on it as if it were the membrane of a balloon. 
     Through their own DC field all living organisms are plugged into the electromagnetic field of the earth, which varies in response to the sun and moon. Because someone with active kundalini has a heightened field and superfluid condition, magnetic storms on the sun and the sunspot cycle may have a different effect on them than the average organism. This also can solve our questions about yogis and meditation practitioners carrying out extra ordinary things and having that immense focus. The earth's normal field resonating at Alpha 10 Hz normalizes our own field and biorhythms, and we remain in sync with the planet through her field changes effecting a change in our own. 
      The intent here is that we Jains and Hindus in fact, follow many traditional practices like fasts on days of special lunar or solar activities, meditations and poojas..It has in fact got a scientific background and we need to get deeper into it..
So keep reading guys...Till then Enjoy Life.